Do I have enough experience to be a travel nurse?

Ask a Travel Nurse, Career Advice, Travel Nursing

travel nurse with a question about experience

Ask a Travel Nurse Question:

I have one year current NICU Level II experience. I do have previous experience 8 months rotating labor and couplet care ( mother/baby) and a previous 6 months NICU. I ventured away from nicu to try labor only to realize nicu was were I wanted to be. From your experience do you feel with one year current nicu that I have enough experience to begin travel nursing.

Ask a Travel Nurse Answer:

Thanks for your question. While I personally feel that you would do okay in starting to travel, the big question is how will the hospitals feel.

Most travel companies are asking for two years experience now days, but that is driven by the facilities asking for the cream of the crop as far as travelers. However, you work in a specialized field and one that will be in dem and . While a facility might want two years, they might also just be desperate to get some able bodies in the door. At that point, they would take a look at all your experience and might give you a look.

Work your first assignment with a good reputable company (I have contacts at many of the companies I recommend if you like). Once they find you a hospital willing to take a look, hit on all your strengths during the hospital interview. Do NOT elaborate or exaggerate your experience level, but do sell yourself with the things you feel you do well.

While I feel that there would be a company that could probably find you an assignment, they (the travel companies) will be better able to tell you if they feel they can place you. Start by choosing a few companies you’d like to travel with and speak with a recruiter at those companies (again, if you like, I do have contacts at the one’s where I refer many travelers).