Salary & Other Perks of Travel Nursing

Benefits and Pay, Finances, Guest Authors, Travel Nursing

travel nurse holding payTravel nurses get a reputation for being paid more than their non-traveling peers.  While some of this is true, the salary of a nurse truly depends not on whether or not he or she travels but rather where he or she travels.

Salary: Location and Competition

Depending on location, an hourly wage that flutters between $30 and $40 is fundamental.  According to one traveling nurse, California generally pays more, but the cost of living is also higher.  To get the extra pay, travel nurses may need to make sacrifices in comfort.  For example, Arizona bleeds sweat and misery in its brutally hot summers, but the pay can make up for it (it is for the individual travel nurse to judge).  If one enjoys the snow, however, one can also enjoy getting paid more to spend time in it, such as in Wisconsin or other areas of the upper Midwest in winter.

As with many other job opportunities, those located in areas lacking in nurses are usually willing to pay more h and somely than areas brimming with competition.  If one is truly dedicated, overtime hours are also an option.

Non-Salary Perks of Travel Nursing

As the healthcare l and scape slowly molds and bends, many individuals are choosing to not only go RN but to opt for travel nurse agency jobs.  The duties are similar but there are undeniable perks, salary not being the only one.

Nurses fascinated with travel, photography, meeting new people, and experiencing new flavors, may enjoy the fundamental aspect of travel nursing: traveling.  A traveling nurse may visit opposite ends of the country every 6 weeks; he or she is also allowed ample time to vacation.

Furthermore, the agency pays for relocations, utilities, housing, and bonuses, and depending on the length of each assignment, the agency may also pay up to $3,000.  Sign-on and renewal bonuses are also to be noted.

When the duties of a travel nurse are basically the same as a non-traveling nurse, these aspects start to look more like reasons than perks.