Why Your Healthcare Facility Needs an MSP Now

Featured, Healthcare Staffing

A managed service provider, or MSP, is a staffing solution that can operate and simplify your facility’s contingent workforce process through one central business partner. As the healthcare industry continues to change, the number of hospitals and other healthcare facilities using the services of a managed service provider has skyrocketed. Why? Simply put, managed service providers are a hospital’s best friend in this age of staffing shortages. In case you’re not convinced yet, we’ve listed the top 3 reasons your facility needs an MSP now:

  1. Saves Your Facility Time and Money: MSPs, like Medical Solutions Plus, can manage your entire contingent workforce for you. When you use the services of an MSP, you’ll no longer have to spend your valuable time and limited resources searching for qualified healthcare professionals. Depending on the MSP, you’ll typically have only one point of contact, one invoice, and a streamlined process. When you find talent at the right time and at the right level, you’ll also drastically reduce costs associated with turnover.
  1. Mitigates Your Risk: An MSP can help you increase your patient safety efforts and minimize your risk in hiring temporary staff. MSPs typically have a large database of medical professionals at their disposal, who must go through a rigorous screening process. MSPs ensure that these professionals are safe, qualified, and certified. That means an MSP is far less likely to place temporary staff at your facility who could create on-the-job medical errors. Certain MSPs, like Medical Solutions Plus, also provide clinical services as a resource for your facility. At Medical Solutions Plus, our team of full-time RNs will handle all the administrative paperwork for you, so you can focus on patient care.
  1. Helps Your Facility Maintain Quality Patient Care: An MSP can also help you maintain your patient care standards. As the healthcare field shifts to value-based care, and HCAHPS scores and CMS quality ratings systems are increasingly tied to your facility’s financial success, using a strategic staffing partner like Medical Solutions Plus just makes sense. Superior patient care begins with a highly skilled medical staff, and MSP has the best and brightest recruits. In fact, the Medical Solutions Plus team has a 95% fill rate and a 95% contract completion rate.

It’s important to note that not all MSPs are the same. You need to find a staffing partner that you can count on time and again. So, find out for yourself today how Medical Solutions Plus can solve your facility’s staffing challenges here.